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authID PrivacyKey

Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication

Enable secure biometric authentication with PrivacyKey, ensuring data privacy by never storing biometric images


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Privacy by Design, Compliance in Mind

authID PrivacyKey™ delivers fast, secure biometric authentication with a privacy-first approach. It ensures users are who they claim to be in a sub-second, deterministic way, while safeguarding data and meeting compliance standards. PrivacyKey enhances security for online transactions, from account creation to payments, offering a seamless, fraud-proof experience.

Secure, Seamless, and Accurate

PrivacyKey protects customers’ biometric identities without storing them, ensuring deterministic, secure access to accounts. With 1-in-1-billion accuracy, it stops deep fakes, injection attacks, and account takeovers. Each face is unique, and with PrivacyKey, it’s the key to secure access.

Enroll Once, Verify Anywhere

Forget passwords, passcodes, and device-bound solutions. With PrivacyKey, enroll once and verify everywhere, independent of the device. Your customer’s face is the key, their privacy is preserved, and their accounts are secure. Biometric authentication, reinvented.

Benefits of authID PrivacyKey


No biometric data is ever stored – authentication is performed without storing sensitive data.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure compliance with ISO IEC 30136 for biometric data security and privacy, adhering to GDPR, PSD2, CCPA, and BIPA regulations.

authID PrivacyKey

Multi-Faceted Authentication

Deliver secure authentication for every use case, including 1:1 matching, scalable 1:N identification, and offline on-device authentication without internet dependency.

Increased Security

Key revocation and phishing-resistant authentication prevents onboarding, ATO, and payment fraud, eliminating stored passwords and secrets for greater security than passcodes or passkeys.

Streamlined User Experience

Seamless and effortless user experience with an intuitive selfie interface, unmatched 1 in 1 billion accuracy, and lightning-fast verification in less than a second.

Reduced Liability

No central honeypot of biometric data, minimizing cybersecurity risks and reducing exposure, liability, and cybersecurity insurance costs.

How It Works

authID PrivacyKey™ is seamlessly embedded in our Proof™ and Verified products, enabling any enterprise or organization to benefit from PrivacyKey without requiring separate integration, ensuring you’re protecting user privacy from the very beginning.

Easy Implementation

  • Seamless Integration for Quick Time to Value: PrivacyKey can be applied at the tenant level, simplifying integration with our Proof and Verified products.
  • Fully Managed by authID: All implementation is handled by our team, ensuring a streamlined deployment process.

How PrivacyKey is Generated

Public-Key Cryptography for Privacy

  • No biometric images are stored at any point.

Enrollment Process

  • User presents physical id document and face for identity validation.
  • Once the user is validated, public and private keys are generated based on the user’s biometric data.
  • Public key is retained, private key is discarded. Nothing is stored on the user’s device.

Authentication Process

  • Private Key is dynamically recreated with each authentication request from the user’s live image, matched with the public key on record for verification, then discarded. In this way, nothing is stored either centrally or on the user’s device. Your user’s face is the dynamic key to their access.


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authID PrivacyKey™ delivers fast, secure biometric authentication with a privacy-first approach – Find out more today

You don’t have to choose between privacy and compliance

We will contact you within 24 hours to set up your demo.
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