
Call Center Authentication and Self Service Password Reset at authID

How Call Center Authentication Can Protect You and Your Customers

Robust call center authentication strategies can prevent unauthorized access to customer data through password reset fraud. Managing potential fraud in the call center environment starts with accurate identification of inbound callers. Failing to verify the identity of callers could allow hackers to gain control of customer accounts, which could cost your company millions of dollars…

Voice Authentication and Voice ID from authID

Voice Authentication and Voice ID

Voice Authentication What is Voice Authentication? Voice biometric authentication uses vocal information for a user to gain access to digital accounts securely. It relies on the user’s vocal patterns to identify them and provide access. To use this type of authentication, users must have a recording device capable of precisely capturing their voice along with…

Fintech Authentication & Financial Services Authentication from authID

Demystifying Fintech Authentication and Financial Services Authentication

Investing in modern fintech identity verification methods can prevent access to financial data by cybercriminals Protecting customer information from unauthorized access or misuse is an essential part of the financial services industry. Banks, credit unions and other financial institutions must maintain robust identity verification and authentication measures to prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to account…

Call Center Authentication and Self Service Password Reset at authID

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Designed to prevent money laundering, fraud and other criminal activities, Know Your Customer standards apply to financial institutions in the United States and in many other areas of the world. The Bank Secrecy Act was passed by Congress in 1970 to address issues related to money laundering. The regulations were later amended to include customer…

Strong Authentication and Strong Passwordless Authentication from authID

Strong Authentication

Consumers and businesses alike conduct numerous transactions and share and store sensitive information online. The advent of digital wallets and cryptocurrency has resulted in even more online transactions. In the digital environment, hacking and data breaches have become much more prevalent, leading to significant losses, data breaches, identity theft, and more. In 2023 alone, more…

Authentication vs. Authorization - Find out at AuthID

Authentication vs Authorization

Examining where they meet, where they diverge For those of us long-timers in the identity and access management space, there are multiple phases to the process of capturing and enabling a user. There’s the activity that takes place on Day Zero, when the new user is still an unknown. They have to be brought into…

Biometric Authentication and Biometric Identification with AuthID

What is Biometric Authentication and Biometric Identification?

A GUIDE TO LEVERAGING YOURSELF, TO PROTECT YOURSELF USING A BIOMETRIC ID Even before the commercial internet came into being, software users were authenticating to their applications. Early on, it wasn’t even necessarily for security so much as to claim role-based functionality. Software packages weren’t remote; they were run inside the walls of the companies…

Digital Wallet Authentication from authID

Find the Best Digital Wallet and Wallet Authorization Info

Digital Wallets and Wallet Authentication  Over the past decade, contactless payment methods exploded in popularity because of the expansion of cloud technology and pressures wrought by the pandemic. Even as the pandemic has subsided, many consumers and merchants opt for contactless payments, including digital or electronic wallets. According to an analysis by Juniper Research, electronic…

Age Verification System and Age Verification Software from authID

Age Verification System | Online Age Verification Software

Online Age Verification Systems and Software  Age verification is essential for brick-and-mortar businesses as well as online enterprises. Along with other methods of identification, these verification tools can protect minors from access to harmful content or substances and can minimize legal risks for businesses. Modern age verification tools can make it simpler to determine the…

Identity Verification from authID

Top Identity Verification Service From authID

IDENTITY VERIFICATION – ARE YOU REALLY YOU? Nobody proves their identity for a living. Identity proofing is simply a means to an end. The truly useful process of identity is authenticating, i.e. restating your already-given identity in order to gain the access needed to transact business. But the day-to-day act of authentication cannot possibly happen…

Identity Authentication from authID

Identity Authentication | Best Identity Authentication

Identity Authentication – Everything You Want to Know  After years of identity management actually being a thing, meaning a process and even an entire ecosystem at most enterprises, there are still people who confuse two terms: authentication and authorization. Sometimes they think that authentication is the art of determining who an individual is, because “authenticating”…

Passwordless Authentication - AuthID

The Passwordless Authentication & Passwordless Login Experts

PASSWORDLESS AUTHENTICATION – EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW Despite the endless angst over identity theft, the billions in lost assets and productivity due to breaches, the horrific news about ransomware and stolen bank accounts, countless computer users around the globe (and probably the moon) still use – passwords. And as if passwords weren’t vulnerable enough…

What Is a passkey? Find out at AuthID

What Is a Passkey? Find out from the Experts at authID

Private, Strong, and Passwordless: A Guide to Passkey Authentication While it almost seems quaint, a rather secure approach to safeguarding one’s physical keepsakes is the old-fashioned safety deposit box. It can hold deeds, family heirlooms, passports, or any number of precious items that individuals don’t trust to their own homes. Anyone wishing to retrieve these…