Biometric Authentication Stops Fraud in Money Transfer Transactions

Know it’s really your customer requesting to send money. Drive increased assurance across the customer engagement. With the ease of a quick selfie, authID’s biometric authentication stops identity fraud for valued wire transfers, transactions, or account resets.

authID helps FinServ stop fraudulent account takeover, AI-generated scams and deepfakes attempts. Replace legacy authentication and one-time passwords with the fastest, frictionless ease of a biometric selfie, completed in any browser.  Gain a biometric audit trail that secures your customer’s trust.

Learn More About Verified™

Recognise Your Customer

Know with Certainty When Your Customers Transact

Confirm consent and build secure, multi-factor authentication into every valued transaction.

Stop account takeover. Secure financial transactions. Gain customer trust.

Stop deepfakes, injection attacks and presentation attacks malicious with automated, PAD Level 2 liveness and anti-spoofing confirmation.

Gain a biometric audit trail for every valued transaction.

Biometric Authentication Secures Financial Transactions with a Fast, Frictionless User Experience

  • Stop Financial Fraud and Drive Increased Trust to Mobile Money Send Applications & Wire Transfers
  • Provide a Superior Upgrade to 2FA Authentication Solutions for Peer-to-Peer Payments, Online Banking Transfers, Inter-Banking Wire Transfers & International Money Transfers
  • Stop Deepfake and Malicious AI-Generated Spam Attacks
  • Secure a Biometric Audit Trail for Valued Financial Transactions

Learn how Hamilton Reserve Bank deployed authID to stop phishing, and account takeovers with seamless Biometric Authentication.

Download Case Study

Providing our valued customers with a seamless identity experience was paramount to our digital transformation and growth. authID helped HRB comply with rigorous regulatory programs through secure, identity verification and facial biometric matching of the customer.

Biometric authentication has helped us eliminate passwords, and secure critical customer transactions. We look forward to expanding our collaboration with authID to support our rapid global expansion into new markets.

    Prabhakar Kaza, CEO at HRB

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