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Biometric Authentication™ Delivers Unphishable Passwordless
Customer Identity

How authID’s Authentication Works

  • authID binds a customer’s identity to their FIDO2 passkeys, creating a portable Account Biometric that can recover identity context, at any time, on any device.
  • At login, the customer is prompted to authenticate their passkey using their local device biometrics. authID validates the passkey and authenticates the customer.
  • For high-risk transactions, authID combines FIDO2 passkeys/device biometrics with live Account Biometrics, adding a second factor to verify the customer behind the device.

Verified + Auth0 Benefits

  • Strong Identity Assurance
    Eliminate passwords with FIDO2 passkeys. Know it’s really your customer with cloud biometrics for high-risk transactions.
  • Portable Identity
    Deliver seamless customer authentication for every mobile/desktop device they use to connect.
  • Secure Account Recovery
    Reaffirm customer identity using cloud biometrics in the event of a lost, stolen, or replaced device.

Customer Benefits

  • Protect vs Phishing & Smishing Attacks
  • Stop Account Takeover
  • Eliminate OTP & KBA Hassles
  • End Account Lockouts/Password Resets
  • Offer Secure Account Recovery

Enterprise Benefits

  • Eliminate Passwords Risks & Costs
  • Increase Enterprise Security
  • Fortify Trust And Customer Loyalty
  • Reduced Need For Threat/Fraud Detection Tools

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