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Healthcare / Hospitals

  • The most malicious attacks have been against healthcare facilities, including childrens’ hospitals
  • The severity and volume of attacks have increased exponentially
  • authID safeguards critical healthcare platforms with biometric authentication 



Home » Vertical Industries » Healthcare / Hospitals

Help Prevent Millions in Financial Losses and Liabilities Using Biometric Authentication

Years ago, the driving force behind security in the healthcare space was the enactment of HIPAA, which mandates the protection of privacy in the form of PII and health information. But what has put this industry in the headlines most recently is ransomware attacks which have completely shut down some facilities, even impacting their ability to deliver life-saving care including surgeries.

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Solutions for Healthcare / Hospitals

Privileged account access must be utterly locked down to prevent bad actors from taking over critical systems and installing malware. By requiring irrefutable proof of identity for administrators and other IT professionals, healthcare organizations can maintain control of their infrastructures and keep nefarious groups from corrupting their operations. The original intent of healthcare privacy laws still remains in effect, however. Only authorized individuals should have access to sensitive health records. This data should be exclusive to doctors, providers, and the patients themselves.

authID provides this iron-clad ability to discern actual users from criminals. We determine proof of identity by exclusively onboarding legitimate users, then verifying them with each access request, through the most accurate biometrics platform on the market. Only authorized individuals can then access those critical systems, and only authorized individuals can access that sensitive EHR data. authID keeps healthcare systems easy to access for the right people, and unreachable for the wrong people.

authID Use Case - Workforce Authentication

Workforce Authentication

authID Use Case - Account Takeover Protection

Account Takeover Protection

authID Use Case - Compliance KYC

Compliance / KYC

Speed & Accuracy

Biometrics and liveness detection are irrefutable in determining proof of life, and when correlated with a physical ID, can authenticate users remotely and securely.

vs. 7 Seconds — 10x Faster Authentication Time

1 in 1 Billion

False Match Rate Accuracy


Biometrics Stored — Supports Global Compliance With Our New No-Biometric Storage Solution

Test Our Biometric Authentication for Healthcare Facilities

authID Use Case - Verticals - Industries Install Steps

Step 1

Set up a quick biometric demo or free trial in minutes.

authID - Test Biometric Authentication Finalize Agreement Photo

Step 2

Test API calls, user experience, and the admin portal in the cloud or on-premise.

authID - Test Biometric Authentication Finalize Agreement Photo

Step 3

Finalize your testing and agreement to go live.

authID Has Verified Over 1 Million Identities

The authID biometric verification stack is used by millions of users at some of the top fintech, financial services, medical and hospitality companies.

Beem Logo from authID
PickleJar Logo from authID
Hamilton Reserve Bank Logo from authID
Kompliant Logo from authID
Intellicheck Logo from authID
ShotPro Logo from authID

Providing our valued customers with a seamless identity experience was paramount to our digital transformation and growth. authID helped HRB comply with rigorous regulatory programs through secure identity verification and facial biometric matching of the customer. Biometric authentication has helped us eliminate passwords, and secure critical customer transactions. We look forward to expanding our collaboration with authID to support our rapid global expansion into new markets.

Prabhakar Kaza, CEO

Hamilton Reserve Bank Logo from authID
authID Free Trial Image

According to IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report - 2023

The average data breach in the US last year cost business $4.4M. Biometric verification would have helped stop it.

Set up a free 30-day trial today to help prevent a data breach!

We will contact you within 24 hours to set up your demo.
authID Free Trial Image

According to IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report - 2023